The design and construction of buildings which provide thermal comfort and have low operational energy is key to environment sustainability. We have lessons from our heritage and science of today to guide us. If you are seeking to enhance your knowledge and application skills in energy efficient building design, or learn how to design climate responsive buildings, then we have created an online course just for you!

The Eight-module course on 'Energy Efficient and Climate Responsive Building Envelope Design' has been curated specially for Professionals and Teachers from Architecture, Interiors and Engineering. This will be followed by further advanced courses.

Watch the Introductory Webinar on Energy Efficient & Climate Responsive Building Envelope Design by Dr. Roshni Udyavar Yehuda held on 20 December 2020 here

Learn about the evolution of climate responsive built forms through history, key attributes of vernacular architecture and the principles of Solar Passive Design Strategies

Climate & Buildings

12-14-15 Jan. 2021

Learn about the Classification, Parameters, Tools and Techniques of Climate Analysis and their application to building design

Building Physics Basics

19-21-22 Jan. 2021

Learn about the mechanisms of heat exchange in the Building Envelope

Thermal Comfort

19-21-22 Jan. 2021

Understand the Variables, Measurement Techniques and Indices of Thermal Comfort


2-4-5 Feb. 2021

Review the terminologies and parameters of good daylighting design and the tools for applying them in envelope design

Building Envelope Design

9-11-12 Feb. 2021

Learn the general principles of designing energy efficient envelope - optimization for thermal and visual comfort

Understand systems such as Radiant Cooling, Therm-O-drain and PDEC

Understand Scope & Compliance of ECBC, Building Envelope Basics and Mandatory and Prescriptive parameters for compliance.

The modules encompass the principles underlying thermal comfort and low-energy design, climate analysis and design, as well as tools and processes for optimizing energy efficiency of the building envelope.



Design Charettes

  • The Course will be conducted each week on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday except in case of holidays.
  • The sessions will be held between 1600 to 1700 hrs India time.
  • Each Module will be for 3 hours at 1 hour/day for 3 days/week
  • Participants can register for individual modules or all
  • Participants will receive certificates

Dr. (Ar.) Roshni Udyavar Yehuda is a Practicing Architect and Academician, whose core competency lies in energy efficient and environmental design of buildings. Roshni has a Ph.D. in Resource Management and is a qualified Master Trainer and Empanelled Expert on the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) of India awarded by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE-UNDP-GEF) in February 2015.

Dr. Yehuda is President, Institute of Environmental Architecture and Research (IEAR), Mumbai; Director, Roshni Udyavar & Associates, Mumbai and Advisor, Environment & Sustainability, Science and Technology Park, Pune. Roshni is currently Principal Investigator for the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India’s research Project on Developing Energy Efficient and ECBC Compliant opaque wall assembly for hot-dry and warm-humid climate. She was Head, Rachana Sansad’s Institute of Environmental Architecture from June 2003 to July 2017 where she initiated several environmental project in addition to a postgraduate course on Environmental Architecture. She has more than 20 years of academic and professional experience and has travelled widely on professional assignments to more than 20 countries.

Participants from India and South East Asia                               : INR 950 + 18 % GST

Participants from Europe, America and rest of the world         : USD 30 + 18 % GST


National & International Workshops Conducted


Architects, Interior Designers, Green Building Consultants Trained


Countries worldwide