Best Paper Award by PLEA
Awarded ‘BEST PAPER AWARD’ at the 34th International Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) 2018 Conference, 10 – 12 December 2018, Hong Kong, for the paper co-authored with Dr. Archana Bhatnagar entitled ‘Assessment of ThermODrain system on Thermal Comfort – study of a multi-storied office Building in Nashik, India’.

Dr. Roshni Yehuda presenting her paper

Certificate of the Best Paper Award at PLEA 2018, Hong Kong.

Dr. Roshni Yehuda being awarded the Best Paper Award by Conference President Edward Ng

Dr. Roshni Yehuda with international participants of PLEA
Certificate of Appreciation by Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Awarded Certificate of Appreciation by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Govt. of India, New Delhi & UNDP-GEF for ‘Institutionalizing Capacity Building for Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) in the State of Maharashtra’, January 2016

Dr. Roshni Udyavar Yehuda receiving the certificate of appreciation from Dr. Marina Walter, Deputy Country Director of UNDP in India, Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General, BEE and Mr. Sanjay Seth, Secretary BEE

The ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Govt. of India, New Delhi & UNDP-GEF, January 2016

Dr. Roshni Yehuda along with Prof. Rajeev Taishete, RSIEA, Mumbai

Dr. Roshni Yehuda, Prof. Rajeev Taishete along with the Team of Rachna Sansad, RSIEA, Mumbai
Environment Leadership Award by USAEP
Awarded the ‘Environmental Leadership Award’ by the United States Asia Environmental Partnership (USAEP, USAID) to in recognition of outstanding contribution made to improve the environment and quality of life for the people of Asia, December 2004

Certificate of the ‘Environmental Leadership Award’
‘Best Teacher Award’ by Rachana Sansad
Awarded ‘Best Teacher Award’ for the Unique Contribution in the field of Environmental Education by Rachna Sansad, 25 April 2012

Certificate of the ‘Best Teacher Award’ by Rachna Sansad, 25 April 2012

Founder and Chairman Emeritus of Rachana Sansad, Late Prof. S.H. Wandrekar awarding the Best Teacher Award to Prof. Roshni Yehuda.
International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) on Environmental Protection
Nominated for the ‘International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) on Environmental Protection’ by the US Department of State, USA from 6-28 June 2009

Dr. Roshni Yehuda receiving the Certificate, June 2009, Boston, USA.

Dr. Roshni Yehuda along with representatives from US Dept. of State and coordinators of the program

Dr. Roshni Yehuda with IVLP team members at Boston waste to energy plant

Dr. Roshni Yehuda with the International participants at the WWF office in Washington